Sarky & Sweet SAL 2021
This is a new SAL for 2021 and It is a quotes and sayings stitch a long available as either a Sarcastic, Sweet or combined SAL. January’s and February’s charts are shown and you can sign up for just sweet charts which will be sent in January, March, May, July, September and November, or just sarcastic charts which will be sent in February, April, June, August, October and December, or you can sign up for both and receive a chart each month alternating as described above. Please be aware that there will be swear words in some of the sarcastic charts.
All the charts will be designed with Jodyri Designs threads but will all be easily convertible to threads in your stash and the sizes will vary month to month. This SAL is only available as a PDF download although individual charts will be released at a later date if you miss any.